Staff and Faculty

Head of School

Ms. Carol Santos

Interim Head of School

Ms. Rhonda Jones

Executive Assistant

Staff and Faculty

Academic Leadership

Dr. Harrison


Ms. Shamell Carter

Assistant Principal

Ms. Davonia Bryant

Assistant Principal

Ms. Erika Hall

Assistant Principal

Ms. Davonia Bryant

Assistant Principal

Staff and Faculty


Mr. Hamza Abdul-Jalil

Technology Coordinator

Ms. Michele Dixon

Records Associate

Ms. LaTisha Dorsey

Director of Operations & Finance

Ms. Tona Williams


Ms. Jacqueline Steward

Operations Associates

Ms. Melva Thomas

Special Projects

Ms. Lily Rubi

Custodial Services

Ms. Juan Andrade

Custodial Supervisor

Ms. Paola Rubi-Andrade

Custodial Services

Staff and Faculty

Development + External Affairs

Mr. Patrick Harhai

Asst. Director of Development and Partnerships

Ms. Erika Ray

Director of Admissions and Special Events

Ms. Carrie Stickel

Director of Development + External Affairs

Staff and Faculty

Destination College

Ms. Tamar Dennis

Persistence Coach

Ms. Alyssia Jacobs

Director of College & Career Success

Ms. Amani Medlock

Early College Coordinator

Staff and Faculty

Whole Girl Wellness

Ms. Nitia Adams

Social Worker

Ms. Adrienne Bond

Whole Girl Wellness Coordinator

Ms. Maisha Graves

School Climate Associate

Ms. Keisha Hawthorne-Jones

Director of Whole Girl Wellness

Ms. Kiara Howard

School Climate Associate

Mr. Joshua Jones

Student Climate Associate

Mr. Peter Modlin

School Counselor

Ms. Gina Watkins

Community School/Family Engagement Coordinator

Ms. Rebecca Wondrack


Staff and Faculty

Special Education

Mr. Lee Carter

US Special Education

Ms. Beverley Harper-Lewis

MS Special Education

Ms. Alisa Jessee

US Special Education

Ms. Racquel Murphy

IEP Chair

Ms. Adrienne Rubenstein

MS Special Education

Ms. LaGondia Tyler

US Special Education

Staff and Faculty


Ms. Catherine Champion

11th Grade ELA

Mr. Edward Gillespie

10th Grade ELA

Ms. Sierra McNeill

6th grade ELA

Mr. Neto Opara

English IV/African American Studies/AP Literature

Ms. Maia Parker

7th Grade

Ms. Dustin Poelker

9th Grade

Ms. Tahira Smith

8th grade

Ms. Davonia Bryant

Assistant Principal

Staff and Faculty


Ms. Delia Dreher

US World History

Ms. Victoria Lehr

9th Grade

Ms. Leslie Stanton

7th Grade Social Studies

Ms. Jess Toomey

US American Government

Ms. Cameron Turner

6th Grade

Ms. Anyka Williams

8th Grade

Staff and Faculty


Ms. Meghan Balfe

Multi Classroom Leader

Ms. Ana Kuoh

Math Intervention

Ms. Maggie Demeterio

Algebra I

Mr. Edward Ellis

11th & 12th Grade

Mr. Romare Marshall

7th Grade

Ms. Eleanor Logsdon

6th Grade

Ms. Mariffi Ramos


Staff and Faculty


Ms. Ma Theresa Cabillos

6th Grade

Ms. Andrea Carrington

10th Grade

Mr. Rob Hewes


Ms. Elizabeth Johnson


Staff and Faculty


Mr. Keegan Cassady

MS Drama

Ms. Caroline Cook

US Visual Arts

Ms. Radia Flowers

9th Grade Seminar and Computer

Mr. Miguel Molina

Spanish I & II

Ms. Janelle Rollocks

US Dance

Ms. Kelsey Sellmon

MS Dance

Ms. Ashley Saunders

US Physical Education Teacher

Ms. Alexandra Stewart

Health Teacher

Staff and Faculty

Food services

Mr. Shernell Small

Food services

Nathaniel Crawford

Food services

Staff and Faculty


Michael Glascoe


Maliyah Jackson


Rachel Jackson


Donte Lee


Robert Proudess


Jordan Wathall


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