Admissions Process

The 2025-26 school year lottery will be held live Monday, February 10th from 12PM-1 PM.

To view the live lottery please click here to access the Zoom link.

Acceptance letters go out February 11, 2025. Please check spam folders for Lotterease notifications.

The 2025-26 school year lottery has closed, but 6th grade applicants can still apply, and once accepted, will be placed on the waiting list

a group of people in a meet.

Attend An Open House

Please join us at one of our Open Houses to learn more about BLSYW!

Next Open House Dates:

  • In Person Open House: Saturday, January 11th, 10 – 11:30am.
  • Due to inclement weather, our January 11th open house has been rescheduled to Thursday, January 23rd, from
    5:00 PM to 6:30 PM


BLSYW Is Looking for Girls Who


Are eligible for promotion to the 6th- 9th grade.


Desire to attend an all-girls school with rigorous academic requirements.


Desire educational and personal guidance programs to prepare them for college.


Accept the school mission, goals, and operating standards.


Have a strong interest in community and desire to develop leadership skills.


Will adhere to the uniform requirements.

How Does the Application Procedure Work?

Complete an electronic application for BLSYW via Lotterease before the February 3, 2025 deadline. The applicant will be entered into a lottery, and names will be drawn for admission to the school on February 10, 2025, via the Lotterease System. All applications received after February 3, 2025, will be added to our 2025-26 waitlists for the applicant’s grade.

Learn More

Lotterease will then electronically send letters of acceptance via email beginning February 11, 2025. Students and parents must electronically confirm their child’s attendance, indicating they agree to enroll in BLSYW by April 11, 2025, at 5:00 pm. Emails will come from blsyw@lotterease. Families will then be responsible for returning the student information packet before the last calendar day of school or at the BLSYW Summer Orientation Program.

Ready To Get Started?

The 2025-26 school year lottery has closed, but 6th grade applicants can still apply, and once accepted, will be placed on the waiting list

Admission Process

What Criteria is Used in Making Admissions Decisions?

We encourage all girls who are Baltimore City residents to apply.
Parent involvement is critical to the success of BLSYW. We expect that each child has a caregiver who understands, accepts, and supports the BLSYW culture. There are no admissions requirements for applying to BLSYW.

What System Do We Use to Conduct Our Lottery?

The Lotterease Seal of Transparency and Fairness indicates that BLSYW uses a paperless electronic application and notification system. All applications will be accepted through this system, and notification of acceptance will follow. When you see the Seal on a school website, you can be confident that your application will be included in the school lottery fairly and transparently.

Learn More
Lotterease is an independent automated lottery system the school uses to manage its lottery and waitlist. Since Lotterease is an independent system, the school staff cannot manipulate or adjust the outcome of the lottery. They must work within the requirements of the system. In addition, all activity with your application is tracked in a history log that you can view anytime by logging into the parent portal. If the school you want your child to attend displays the Lotterease Seal of Transparency and Fairness, you can rest assured that your child will get a fair chance to attend the school.

Contact Admissions for Support

Need help navigating the admissions process or RSVPing for an open house? We’re here to assist! For personalized support, reach out to Ms. Ray, Assistant Director of Admissions and Special Events, at,or call 443-863-7726.

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