Academics Program

We offer a rigorous middle and high school curriculum to meet and challenge each student’s academic performance level. With a team of dedicated middle school teachers and a team of dedicated upper school teachers, our staff knows each student intimately. One of the hallmarks of the BLSYW experience is knowing each girl by name and by need and responding to her in ways that will prepare her academically and socially for success in college.
At BLSYW, we are committed to providing a well-rounded and engaging educational experience with high expectations and high support at the center of our experience. To participate in any extracurricular activity, including social events, students must have at least a 2.0 grade point average. Students who do not meet this threshold are provided with encouragement and support in and out of class to keep them focused on our academic goals as a school community.
Features of a BLSYW Education
Educating Every Girl
BLSYW is a charter school in Baltimore City. As a school without entrance criteria, students are admitted based on a lottery, representing the full range of academic preparedness for a college preparatory school.
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As a Title I Targeted Assistance school, we have a full-time math intervention teacher as well as a part-time reading intervention teacher who provides one-on-one and small group instruction for Title I eligible students. In addition, we hold a Saturday Academy to provide extension and additional practice in the areas of literacy and mathematics. For advanced and accelerated learners, at each grade level for most courses in math and English/Language Arts, the school offers advanced or “honors” level classes to accelerate the academic rigor and content for students to continue to push forward.
STEAM: Girls Only!
At BLSYW, we are answering the charge to prepare our students to develop numeracy and scientific literacy and to work to ensure that our alumnae pursuing STEM fields are prepared for the rigors of higher-order mathematics and science.
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At BLSYW, Leadership is as much an academic undertaking as it is a social and emotional one. Students read and write extensively and frequently give oral presentations as a part of their coursework.
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A Well-Rounded Education
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Professional Learners: Action Research Projects and the Senior Capstone
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- Identifying an issue related to Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, or Math OR the improvement of Baltimore City’s social condition.
- A Proposal and Implementation Plan to Address and/or Eradicate the Area of Concern
- A Literature Review
- A Theory of Action
- A Defensible Research Methodology
- Conclusion.
Students work closely with an outside mentor and must present and defend their capstone before a professional panel. Exceptional capstone projects are eligible for AP credit from the College Board.